"A Rebirth for all the Society of the Royal...

"A Rebirth for all the Society of the Royal Hotcakes" Schwartz 2012
I was a boy scout as a kid and every year there was this camping trip which was shrouded in secrecy called the S.R.H. (Society of the Royal Hotcakes.)
Anyone who went on this trip was sworn to secrecy. It was filled with bizarre initation rituals with older scouts but the end of the weekend is what I’ve never been able to block out. The scout leader, a man in his 60’s, would sit and each newbie scout would put his head between his legs, their head being held firmly by the scout leader, while an eagle scout would come running from quite a distance and give the newbie scout a big ol’ spank. This was weird enough but then the newbie’s head would be pushed further into the (heterosexual and married) scout leader’s crotch. This drawing was inspired by these events. I re-imagined this event as the newbie scouts, myself in multiple self portraits, as adult robots, turning the tables and being in control of the bodies of giants.(The idealized older boys and the scout leader).
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